
‘Trep on: Mentors Leave a Living Legacy


You could be the key to success, for startups, new entrepreneurs, and even those graduating, the only question is, are you willing to leave a legacy?

Our world makes drastic changes on a yearly, hell, daily basis; but, most of us try our best to keep up. Keeping up can stressful, even the best leaders are often unsure if they are really ‘in the know’. Technological and communication advancements have allowed everyone to communicate, research, and develop careers in unprecedented ways. A side effect of this tech boom (good or not) has come in the form of independence, and resilience on one’s ability to make things happen on their own. This new road to ‘expertise’ happens all the time via YouTube, informative blogs and other ‘how to’ articles. We have to ask, is this new process to professionalism creating experts, or ‘well-informed hopefuls’ who can’t connect the dots.

For centuries young and aspiring professionals used mentorships as the stepping stone to becoming an expert. They did this by seeking the advice of credible experts. The amount of focus it takes to become an expert falls far from a jack-of-all-trades. It takes relentless development, many hours dedicated to a specific focus and passion to become an expert. They may be hard to find, but willing mentees still exist. Those looking for a mentor may be shy and unsure how you’ll react to a personal request (knowing that you are most likely aware other less intimate problem-solving solutions exist). Regardless, they will remain hopeful you’ll help.

Even the most successful individual is limited in what they get from hard work. Your hard work will only take you so far, at some point you will have to consider your personal development, family, making your money work for you and leaving your legacy.

Prepare early on by helping others develop their careers, besides, it could help boost your own. But, how do you do it? Begin by showing the effective and efficient methods and processes you use/d; teaching (the mentee) best practices. With your knowledge and experience, you will be able to show what to avoid and why. You are relevant despite not always being ‘in the know’, your opinion, foresight, expectations all matter, especially to them. Best of all your lessons and the spirit in which you teach those lessons will be passed down. YOUR MESSAGE LEAVES A LIVING LEGACY.

Successful individuals such as Shark Tank’s Lori Greiner and former Apple and Pepsi president John Sculley never had a mentor but wished they did. As successful individuals, they try hard to give back and make that dream of leaving a living legacy, a reality. Lori says, “People are flattered by being looked up to and asked for advice, and people love giving advice”, it’s true, and you can probably attest to it.

So what’s stopping you from seeking out a young grasshopper worthy of your time and showing them the ropes? Nothing. Then do it, that grasshopper may just teach you something or other! Become the coach, the teacher, and the MENTOR, and you will never be forgotten. Always inspire greatness; because that is our greatest gift!

‘Trep On



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